Source code for acscsv.acscsv

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
__author__="Scott Hendrickson"
__license__="Simplified BSD"

import sys
import datetime
import fileinput
from StringIO import StringIO
# Experimental: Use numba to speed up some fo the basic function
# that are run many times per record
# from numba import jit
# use fastest option available
    import ujson as json
except ImportError:
        import json
    except ImportError:
        import simplejson as json

gnipError = "GNIPERROR"
gnipRemove = "GNIPREMOVE"
gnipDateTime ="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z")

[docs]class _Field(object): """ Base class for extracting the desired value at the end of a series of keys in a JSON Activity Streams payload. Set the application-wide default value (for e.g. missing values) here, but also use child classes to override when necessary. Subclasses also need to define the key-path (path) to the desired location by overwriting the path attr. """ # set some default values; these can be overwritten in custom classes # twitter format default_t_fmt = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z" default_value = INTERNAL_EMPTY_FIELD path = [] # dict key-path to follow for desired value label = 'DummyKeyPathLabel' # this must match if-statement in constructor def __init__(self, json_record): if self.label == 'DummyKeyPathLabel': self.label = ':'.join(self.path) self.value = None # str representation of the field, often = str( self.value_list ) if json_record is not None: self.value = self.walk_path(json_record) else: self.value = self.default_value def __repr__(self): return unicode(self.value) def walk_path(self, json_record, path=None): res = json_record if path is None: path = self.path for k in path: if res is None: break if k not in res or ( type(res[k]) is list and len(res[k]) == 0 ): # parenthetical clause for values with empty lists e.g. twitter_entities return self.default_value res = res[k] # handle the special case where the walk_path found null (JSON) which converts to # a Python None. Only use "None" (str version) if it's assigned to self.default_value res = res if res is not None else self.default_value return res
[docs] def walk_path_slower(self, json_record, path=None): """Slower version fo walk path. Depricated.""" if path is None: path = self.path try: execstr = "res=json_record" + '["{}"]'*len(path) exec(execstr.format(*path)) except (KeyError, TypeError): res = None if res is None: res = self.default_value return res
[docs] def fix_length(self, iterable, limit=None): """ Take an iterable (typically a list) and an optional maximum length (limit). If limit is not given, and the input iterable is not equal to self.default_value (typically "None"), the input iterable is returned. If limit is given, the return value is a list that is either truncated to the first limit items, or padded with self.default_value until it is of size limit. Note: strings are iterables, so if you pass this function a string, it will (optionally) truncate the number of characters in the string according to limit. """ res = [] if limit is None: # no limits on the length of the result, so just return the original iterable res = iterable else: #if len(iterable) == 0: if iterable == self.default_value or len(iterable) == 0: # if walk_path() finds the final key, but the value is an empty list # (common for e.g. the contents of twitter_entities) # overwrite self.value with a list of self.default_value and of length limit res = [ self.default_value ]*limit else: # found something useful in the iterable, either pad the list or truncate # to end up with something of the proper length current_length = len( iterable ) if current_length < limit: res = iterable + [ self.default_value for _ in range(limit - current_length) ] else: res = iterable[:limit] return res
[docs]class _LimitedField(_Field): """ Takes JSON record (in python dict form) and optionally a maximum length (limit, with default length=5). Uses parent class _Field() to assign the appropriate value to self.value. When self.value is a list of dictionaries, inheriting from _LimitedField() class allows for the extraction and combination of an arbitrary number of fields within self.value into self.value_list. Ex: if your class would lead to having self.value = [ {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}, {'a': 4, 'b': 5, 'c': 6} ], and what you'd like is a list that looks like [ 1, 2, 4, 5 ], inheriting from _LimitedField() allows you to overwrite the fields list ( fields=["a", "b"] ) to obtain this result. Finally, self.value is set to a string representation of the final self.value_list. """ #TODO: is there a better way that this class and the fix_length() method in _Field class # could be combined? #TODO: set limit=None by default and just return as many as there are, otherwise (by specifying # limit), return a maximum of limit. # TODO: # - consolidate _LimitedField() & fix_length() if possible def __init__(self, json_record, limit=1): self.fields = None super( _LimitedField , self).__init__(json_record) # self.value is possibly a list of dicts for each activity media object if self.fields: # start with default list full of the default_values self.value_list = [ self.default_value ]*( len(self.fields)*limit ) if self.value != self.default_value: for i,x in enumerate(self.value): # iterate over the dicts in the list if i < limit: # ... up until you reach limit for j,y in enumerate(self.fields): # iterate over the dict keys self.value_list[ len( self.fields )*i + j ] = x[ self.fields[j] ] # finally, str-ify the list self.value = str( self.value_list )
[docs]class AcsCSV(object): """Base class for all delimited list objects. Basic delimited list utility functions""" def __init__(self, delim, options_keypath): self.delim = delim if delim == "": print >>sys.stderr, "Warning - Output has Null delimiter" self.rmchars = "\n\r {}".format(self.delim) self.options_keypath = options_keypath
[docs] def string_hook(self, record_string, mode_dummy): """ Returns a file-like StringIO object built from the activity record in record_string. This is ultimately passed down to the FileInput.readline() method. The mode_dummy parameter is only included so the signature matches other hooks. """ return StringIO( record_string )
[docs] def file_reader(self, options_filename=None, json_string=None): """ Read arbitrary input file(s) or standard Python str. When passing file_reader() a JSON string, assign it to the json_string arg. Yields a tuple of (line number, record). """ line_number = 0 if json_string is not None: hook = self.string_hook options_filename = json_string else: hook = fileinput.hook_compressed for r in fileinput.FileInput(options_filename, openhook=hook): line_number += 1 try: recs = [json.loads(r.strip())] except ValueError: try: # maybe a missing line feed? recs = [json.loads(x) for x in r.strip().replace("}{", "}GNIP_SPLIT{") .split("GNIP_SPLIT")] except ValueError: sys.stderr.write("Invalid JSON record (%d) %s, skipping\n" %(line_number, r.strip())) continue for record in recs: if len(record) == 0: continue # hack: let the old source modules still have a self.cnt for error msgs self.cnt = line_number yield line_number, record
[docs] def cleanField(self,f): """Clean fields of new lines and delmiter.""" res = INTERNAL_EMPTY_FIELD try: res = f.strip( ).replace("\n"," " ).replace("\r"," " ).replace(self.delim, " " ) except AttributeError: try: # odd edge case that f is a number # then can't call string functions float(f) res = str(f) except TypeError: pass return res
[docs] def buildListString(self,l): """Generic list builder returns a string representation of list""" # unicode output of list (without u's) res = '[' for r in l: # handle the various types of lists we might see if isinstance(r, list): res += "'" + self.buildListString(r) + "'," #elif isinstance(r, str): elif isinstance(r, str) or isinstance(r, unicode): res += "'" + r + "'," else: res += "'" + str(r) + "'," if res.endswith(','): res = res[:-1] res += ']' return res
[docs] def splitId(self, x, index=1): """Generic functions for splitting id parts""" tmp = x.split("/") if len(tmp) > index: return tmp[index] else: return x
[docs] def asString(self, l, emptyField): """Returns a delimited list object as a properly delimited string.""" if l is None: return None for i, x in enumerate(l): if x == INTERNAL_EMPTY_FIELD: l[i] = emptyField return self.delim.join(l)
[docs] def get_source_list(self, x): """Wrapper for the core activity parsing function.""" source_list = self.procRecordToList(x) if self.options_keypath: source_list.append(self.keyPath(x)) # ensure no pipes, newlines, etc return [ self.cleanField(x) for x in source_list ]
def procRecord(self, x, emptyField="None"): return self.asString(self.get_source_list(x), emptyField)
[docs] def asGeoJSON(self, x): """Get results as GeoJSON representation.""" record_list = self.procRecordToList(x) if self.__class__.__name__ == "TwacsCSV" and self.options_geo: if self.geoCoordsList is None: return lon_lat = self.geoCoordsList[::-1] elif self.__class__.__name__ == "FsqacsCSV" and self.options_geo: lon_lat = self.geo_coords_list else: return {"Error":"This publisher doesn't have geo"} return { "type": "Feature" , "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": lon_lat } , "properties": { "id": record_list[0] } }
[docs] def keyPath(self,d): """Get a generic key path specified at run time. Consider using jq instead?""" #key_list = self.options_keypath.split(":") delim = ":" #print >> sys.stderr, "self.__class__ " + str(self.__class__) if self.__class__.__name__ == "NGacsCSV": delim = "," key_stack = self.options_keypath.split(delim) #print >> sys.stderr, "key_stack " + str(key_stack) x = d while len(key_stack) > 0: try: k = key_stack.pop(0) try: idx = int(k) except ValueError: # keys are ascii strings idx = str(k) x = x[idx] except (IndexError, TypeError, KeyError) as e: #sys.stderr.write("Keypath error at %s\n"%k) return "PATH_EMPTY" return unicode(x)