# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
__author__="Josh Montague, Scott Hendrickson"
__license__="Simplified BSD"
import sys
import acscsv
from snowflake import *
from datetime import datetime
import re
# activity type
[docs]class Field_activity_type(acscsv._Field):
Take a dict, assign to self.value the appropriate value of Tweet, Retweet, or Reply. This
class is being held onto for now, but may not be needed in future.
label = 'Activity Type'
path = []
def __init__(self, json_record):
, self).__init__(json_record)
# self.value is None
if json_record is not None:
verb = Field_verb(json_record).value
rec_id = Field_id(json_record).value
inReplyTo = "None"
obj_objtype = "None"
if "inReplyTo" in json_record:
# get the url
inReplyTo = json_record["inReplyTo"]["link"]
# get the original id from the url
rec_id = inReplyTo.split("/")[-1]
if "object" in json_record:
obj = json_record["object"]
if "objectType" in obj:
obj_objtype = obj["objectType"]
# now we can determine self.value
if verb == "share" and obj_objtype == "activity":
self.value = "Retweet"
elif inReplyTo == "None":
self.value = "Tweet"
self.value = "Reply"
# tack on the upstream activity id (or this id, for Tweets)
self.value += " ({})".format(rec_id)
# top-level fields
[docs]class Field_verb(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value in the top-level verb key."""
label = 'Verb'
path = ['verb']
# overwrite this default value because records missing this field should be called out (badness)
# 2014-05-29, leave this out for new usage (JM)
#default_value = "Unidentified meta message"
[docs]class Field_id(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value in the top-level id key."""
label = 'Tweet ID'
path = ['id']
def __init__(self, json_record):
, self).__init__(json_record)
tmp = self.value.split(":")
if len(tmp) >= 3:
self.value = tmp[2]
class Field_snowflake(Field_id):
def __init__(self, json_record):
, self).__init__(json_record)
sf = Snowflake(self.value)
self.value = "_".join([str(sf.id), sf.timeString, str(sf.sample_set)])
[docs]class Field_objecttype(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value in the top-level objectType key."""
label = 'objectType'
path = ['objectType']
[docs]class Field_object(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value in the top-level object key."""
label = 'Object'
path = ['object']
[docs]class Field_postedtime(acscsv._Field):
Take a dict, assign to self.value the value in the top-level postedTime key. Timestamp is
formatted according to input_fmt, which is set in the constructor.
label = 'Posted Time'
path = ['postedTime']
# keep this around for possible regex+uniform output extension
# def __init__(self, json_record):
# super(
# Field_postedtime
# , self).__init__(json_record)
# # self.value is a datetime string
# input_fmt = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z"
# # add a regex match on the input to have consistent output across all input streams?
# self.value = datetime.strptime(
# self.value, input_fmt
# ).strftime(
# self.default_t_fmt )
[docs]class Field_body(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value in top-level body key."""
label = 'Body'
path = ['body']
[docs]class Field_link(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value in top-level link key."""
label = 'Activity URL'
path = ['link']
[docs]class Field_favoritescount(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of top-level favoritesCount key."""
label = 'Favorite Count'
path = ['favoritesCount']
[docs]class Field_inreplyto_link(acscsv._Field):
Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of inReplyTo.link.
Should only appear in Replies.
label = 'In-Reply-To URL'
path = ['inReplyTo', 'link']
# 'provider' fields
[docs]class Field_provider_objecttype(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of provider.objectType key."""
label = 'Provider Object Type'
path = ['provider', 'objectType']
[docs]class Field_provider_displayname(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of provider.displayName key."""
label = 'Provider Name'
path = ['provider', 'displayName']
[docs]class Field_provider_link(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of provider.link key."""
label = 'Provider Link'
path = ['provider', 'link']
# 'generator' fields
[docs]class Field_generator_displayname(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of generator.displayName key."""
label = 'Generator Name'
path = ['generator', 'displayName']
[docs]class Field_generator_link(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of generator.link key."""
label = 'Generator Link'
path = ['generator', 'link']
# 'gnip' fields
[docs]class Field_gnip_rules(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the list of dicts at gnip.matching_rules"""
label = 'Matching PT Rules'
path = ['gnip', 'matching_rules']
[docs]class Field_gnip_urls(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the list of dicts at gnip.urls"""
label = 'List of URLs (Gnip)'
path = ['gnip', 'urls']
# TODO: extractors that use Field_gnip_urls to get both the shortened & unwound URLs
[docs]class Field_gnip_language_value(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of gnip.language.value"""
label = 'Gnip-Inferred Activity Language'
path = ['gnip', 'language', 'value']
# klout
[docs]class Field_gnip_klout_score(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of gnip.klout_score"""
label = 'User Klout Score'
path = ['gnip', 'klout_score']
[docs]class Field_gnip_klout_profile_topics(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the list at gnip.klout_profile.topics"""
label = 'User Klout Topics'
path = ['gnip', 'klout_profile', 'topics']
[docs]class Field_gnip_klout_profile_klout_user_id(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of gnip.klout_profile.klout_user_id"""
label = 'User Klout ID'
path = ['gnip', 'klout_profile', 'klout_user_id']
[docs]class Field_gnip_klout_profile_link(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of gnip.klout_profile.link"""
label = 'User Klout Profile Link'
path = ['gnip', 'klout_profile', 'link']
# profileLocations
class _Field_gnip_profilelocations_base(acscsv._Field):
Take a dict, assign to self.value the dict at gnip.profileLocations[0]. This class
serves as the base for subfields of profileLocations.
label = 'Profile Geo: Data Structure'
path = ['gnip', 'profileLocations']
def __init__(self, json_record):
, self).__init__(json_record)
if self.value != self.default_value:
# if we found the list, we really want the first (only) thing in it
self.value = self.value[0]
[docs]class Field_gnip_profilelocations_displayname(_Field_gnip_profilelocations_base):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of gnip.profileLocations[0].displayName."""
label = 'Profile Geo: Name'
def __init__(self, json_record):
, self).__init__(json_record)
if self.value != self.default_value:
self.value = self.walk_path( self.value, path = ['displayName'] )
[docs]class Field_gnip_profilelocations_objecttype(_Field_gnip_profilelocations_base):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of gnip.profileLocations[0].objectType"""
label = 'Profile Geo: Object Type'
def __init__(self, json_record):
, self).__init__(json_record)
if self.value != self.default_value:
self.value = self.walk_path( self.value, path = ['objectType'] )
[docs]class Field_gnip_profilelocations_geo_type(_Field_gnip_profilelocations_base):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of gnip.profileLocations[0].geo.type"""
label = 'Profile Geo: Type'
def __init__(self, json_record):
, self).__init__(json_record)
if self.value != self.default_value:
self.value = self.walk_path( self.value, path = ['geo', 'type'] )
[docs]class Field_gnip_profilelocations_geo_coordinates(_Field_gnip_profilelocations_base):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of gnip.profileLocations[0].geo.coordinates"""
label = 'Profile Geo: Coordinates'
def __init__(self, json_record):
, self).__init__(json_record)
if self.value != self.default_value:
self.value = self.walk_path( self.value, path = ['geo', 'coordinates'] )
[docs]class Field_gnip_profilelocations_address_country(_Field_gnip_profilelocations_base):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of gnip.profileLocations[0].address.country"""
label = 'Profile Geo: Country'
def __init__(self, json_record):
, self).__init__(json_record)
if self.value != self.default_value:
self.value = self.walk_path( self.value, path = ['address', 'country'] )
[docs]class Field_gnip_profilelocations_address_countrycode(_Field_gnip_profilelocations_base):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of gnip.profileLocations[0].address.countryCode"""
label = 'Profile Geo: Country Code'
def __init__(self, json_record):
, self).__init__(json_record)
if self.value != self.default_value:
self.value = self.walk_path( self.value, path = ['address', 'countryCode'] )
[docs]class Field_gnip_profilelocations_address_locality(_Field_gnip_profilelocations_base):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of gnip.profileLocations[0].address.locality"""
label = 'Profile Geo: Locality'
def __init__(self, json_record):
, self).__init__(json_record)
if self.value != self.default_value:
self.value = self.walk_path( self.value, path = ['address', 'locality'] )
[docs]class Field_gnip_profilelocations_address_region(_Field_gnip_profilelocations_base):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of gnip.profileLocations[0].address.region"""
label = 'Profile Geo: Region'
def __init__(self, json_record):
, self).__init__(json_record)
if self.value != self.default_value:
self.value = self.walk_path( self.value, path = ['address', 'region'] )
[docs]class Field_gnip_profilelocations_address_subregion(_Field_gnip_profilelocations_base):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of gnip.profileLocations[0].address.subRegion"""
label = 'Profile Geo: Subregion'
def __init__(self, json_record):
, self).__init__(json_record)
if self.value != self.default_value:
self.value = self.walk_path( self.value, path = ['address', 'subRegion'] )
# 'actor' fields
[docs]class Field_actor_id(acscsv._Field):
Take a dict, assign to self.value the numerical value of actor.id (after stripping off
the leading 'id:twitter...' characters).
label = 'User ID'
path = ['actor', 'id']
def __init__(self, json_record):
, self).__init__(json_record)
if self.value != self.default_value:
# self.value has an id:twitter....
self.value = self.value.split(":")[2]
[docs]class Field_actor_objecttype(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of actor.objecttype """
label = 'User Object Type'
path = ['actor', 'objectType']
[docs]class Field_actor_postedtime(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of actor.postedTime """
label = 'User Account Creation Date'
path = ['actor', 'postedTime']
def __init__(self, json_record):
, self).__init__(json_record)
# self.value is a string (of a timestamp)
input_fmt = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z"
# default_t_fmt defined in _Field constructor
self.value = datetime.strptime(self.value, input_fmt).strftime(self.default_t_fmt)
except ValueError:
self.value = "INVALID_DATE_FORMAT"
[docs]class Field_actor_displayname(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of actor.displayName """
label = 'User Display Name'
path = ['actor', 'displayName']
[docs]class Field_actor_preferredusername(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of actor.preferredUsername"""
label = 'User Account Name'
path = ['actor', 'preferredUsername']
[docs]class Field_actor_summary(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of actor.summary"""
label = 'User Bio'
path = ['actor', 'summary']
[docs]class Field_actor_link(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of actor.link"""
label = 'User Account URL'
path = ['actor', 'link']
[docs]class Field_actor_image(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of actor.image"""
label = 'User Account Image'
path = ['actor', 'image']
[docs]class Field_actor_language(acscsv._Field):
Take a dict, assign to self.value the first (currently only) value in the list at
label = 'User-chosen Language'
path = ['actor', 'languages']
def __init__(self, json_record):
, self).__init__(json_record)
# self.value is a list, but have only ever seen it with one value, so take that one.
if self.value != self.default_value:
self.value = self.value[0]
[docs]class Field_actor_links(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the list of dicts at actor.links """
label = 'User Account Bio URLs'
path = ['actor', 'links']
def __init__(self, json_record):
, self).__init__(json_record)
[docs]class Field_actor_utcoffset(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of actor.utcOffset """
label = 'User-chosen Offset From UTC'
path = ['actor', 'utcOffset']
[docs]class Field_actor_verified(acscsv._Field):
Take a dict, assign to self.value a boolean repr of the value of actor.verified.
Default value is False.
label = 'Actor Verified'
path = ['actor', 'verified']
default_value = False
[docs]class Field_actor_location_displayname(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of actor.location.displayName"""
label = 'User-chosen Location Name'
path = ['actor', 'location', 'displayName']
[docs]class Field_actor_location_objecttype(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of actor.location.objectType"""
label = 'User-chosen Location Type'
path = ['actor', 'location', 'objectType']
[docs]class Field_actor_followerscount(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of actor.followersCount."""
label = 'User Follower Count'
path = ['actor', 'followersCount']
[docs]class Field_actor_friendscount(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of actor.friendsCount."""
label = 'User Following Count'
path = ['actor', 'friendsCount']
[docs]class Field_actor_listedcount(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of actor.listedCount."""
label = 'User Listed Count'
path = ['actor', 'listedCount']
[docs]class Field_actor_statusesCount(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of actor.statusesCount"""
label = 'User Statuses Count'
path = ['actor', 'statusesCount']
[docs]class Field_actor_favoritesCount(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of actor.favoritesCount"""
label = 'User Favorites Count'
path = ['actor', 'favoritesCount']
# 'twitter_entities' fields
# URLs
[docs]class Field_geo_type(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of geo.type"""
label = 'Geo-tag: Type'
path = ['geo', 'type']
[docs]class Field_geo_coordinates(acscsv._Field):
Take a dict, assign to self.value the list at geo.coordinates. This is the coordinate pair
of the user-enabled tweet geotag.
label = 'Geo-tag: Coordinates'
path = ['geo', 'coordinates']
# 'location' fields
[docs]class Field_location_displayname(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of location.displayName"""
label = 'Geo-tag: Full Name'
path = ['location', 'displayName']
[docs]class Field_location_name(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of location.name"""
label = 'Geo-tag: Short Name'
path = ['location', 'name']
[docs]class Field_location_objecttype(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of location.objectType"""
label = 'Geo-tag: Location Type'
path = ['location', 'objectType']
[docs]class Field_location_country_code(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of location.country_code."""
label = 'Geo-tag: Country'
path = ['location', 'country_code']
[docs]class Field_location_link(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of location.link."""
label = 'Geo-tag: Place URL'
path = ['location', 'link']
# location.geo
[docs]class Field_location_geo_type(acscsv._Field):
"""Take a dict, assign to self.value the value of location.geo.type."""
label = 'Geo-tag: Place Type'
path = ['location', 'geo', 'type']
[docs]class Field_location_geo_coordinates(acscsv._Field):
Take a dict, assign to self.value the list of coord pairs (vertices) in the value
of location.geo.coordinates.
label = 'Geo-tag: Place Coordinates'
path = ['location', 'geo', 'coordinates']
def __init__(self, json_record):
, self).__init__(json_record)
# this list has only been observed to contain another list of the bounding vertices
if self.value != self.default_value:
self.value = self.value[0]
# 'object' fields
# these fields appear to be redundant with the fields already defined