Source code for gnacs

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
__author__="Scott Hendrickson, Josh Montague"
__license__="Simplified BSD"

import pkg_resources
    __version__ = pkg_resources.require("gnacs")[0].version
except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound:
    __version__ = "N/A"
import sys
import codecs
import fileinput
import re
import os
import argparse
from acscsv import *
# needed only for the pretty-printing
import json as json_printer
# use fastest option available for parsing
    import ujson as json
except ImportError:
        import json
    except ImportError:
        import simplejson as json

# unicode input
sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf-8')(sys.stdout)

[docs]def gnacs_args(): """Parse comand line arguemnts for defining input and output of command line utility.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Parse seqeunce of JSON formated activities.") parser.add_argument("file_name", metavar= "file_name", nargs="?" , default=[] , help="Input file name (optional).") parser.add_argument("-a","--status", action="store_true", dest="status" , default=False , help="Version, status, etc.") parser.add_argument("-g","--geo", action="store_true", dest="geo" , default=False , help="Include geo fields") parser.add_argument("-i", "--influence", action="store_true", dest="influence" , default=False , help="Show user's influence metrics (Twitter only)") parser.add_argument("-c","--csv", action="store_true", dest="csv" , default=False , help="Comma-delimited output (, default is | without quotes)") parser.add_argument("-l","--lang", action="store_true", dest="lang" , default=False , help="Include language fields") parser.add_argument("-j","--geojson", action="store_true", dest="geojson" , default=False , help="Output is geojson format (Foursquare and Twitter only) \ Caution: dataset must fit in memory.") parser.add_argument("-o","--origin", action="store_true", dest="origin" , default=False , help="Include source/origin fields") parser.add_argument("-p","--pretty", action="store_true", dest="pretty" , default=False , help="Pretty JSON output of full records") parser.add_argument("-s", "--urls", action="store_true", dest="urls" , default=False , help="Include urls fields") parser.add_argument("-t","--structure", action="store_true", dest="struct" , default=False , help="Include thread linking fields") parser.add_argument("-r","--rules", action="store_true", dest="rules" , default=False , help="Include rules fields") parser.add_argument("-u","--user", action="store_true", dest="user" , default=False , help="Include user fields") parser.add_argument("-v","--version", action="store_true", dest="ver" , default=False , help="Show version number") parser.add_argument("-x","--explain", action="store_true", dest="explain", default=False , help="Show field names in output for sample input records") parser.add_argument("-z","--publisher", dest="pub" , default="twitter" , help="Publisher (default is twitter), twitter, newsgator, disqus, \ wordpress, wpcomments, tumblr, foursquare, getglue, stocktwits, stocktwits-native") parser.add_argument("-k","--keypath", dest="keypath" , default=None , help="returns a value from a path of the form 'key:value'") return parser
if __name__ == "__main__": """Use gnacs delimited-field parsing libraries as a command line tool to parse a series of JSON formatted actvities from file, compressed file or standard input (stdin).""" options = gnacs_args().parse_args() if options.ver: print "*"*70 print "Gnacs Version: %s"%__version__ print "Please see for updates or" print "sudo pip install gnacs --upgrade to install the latest version." print "*"*70 sys.exit() # delim = "|" # default delimiter if options.csv: delim = "," # csv delimiter elif options.geojson: options.geo = True # note: geojson option creates an in-memory structure sys.stdout.write('{"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [') # if"word") or"wp"): processing_obj = wordpress_acs.WPacsCSV(delim , options.keypath , options.user , options.rules , options.lang , options.struct ) elif"disq"): processing_obj = disqus_acs.DiacsCSV(delim , options.keypath , options.user , options.rules , options.lang , options.struct , options.status ) elif"tumb"): processing_obj = tumblr_acs.TblracsCSV(delim , options.keypath , options.user , options.rules , options.lang , options.struct ) elif"four") or"fsq"): processing_obj = foursquare_acs.FsqacsCSV(delim , options.keypath , options.geo , options.user , options.rules ) elif"get") or"gg"): processing_obj = getglue_acs.GgacsCSV(delim , options.keypath , options.user , options.rules , options.urls , options.origin ) elif"st") and"native"): processing_obj = stocktwits_native.StocktwitsNative(delim , options.keypath , options.user , options.struct , options.influence ) elif"st"): processing_obj = stocktwits_acs.StacsCSV(delim , options.keypath , options.user , options.struct , options.influence ) elif"news") or"ng"): processing_obj = newsgator_acs.NGacsCSV(delim , options.keypath , options.urls , options.user ) else: processing_obj = twitter_acs.TwacsCSV(delim , options.keypath , options.geo , options.user , options.rules , options.urls , options.lang , options.influence , options.struct ) # first_geo = True for line_number, record in processing_obj.file_reader(options.file_name): if options.pretty: print json_printer.dumps(record, indent=3, ensure_ascii=False) continue try: if options.explain: #### TODO: fix -x option for new extractors #### print >>sys.stderr, "\n****\n\n'explain' functionality currently unavailable\n\n****\n" sys.exit() ################################################ record = reflect_json.reflect_json(record) sys.stdout.write("%s\n"%processing_obj.procRecord(record)) elif options.geojson: # geo-tag coords geo_rec = processing_obj.asGeoJSON(record) if geo_rec is not None: if not first_geo: sys.stdout.write(",") sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(geo_rec)) first_geo = False else: # ensure formatter is working on a unicode object sys.stdout.write(u"{}\n".format(processing_obj.procRecord(record, emptyField="None"))) # handle I/O exceptions associated with writing to stdout (e.g. when output is piped to 'head') # TODO: handle this via contextmanager (within AcsCSV)? except IOError, e: try: sys.stdout.close() except IOError: pass try: sys.stderr.close() except IOError: pass break # close the geojson data structure if options.geojson: sys.stdout.write(']}\n')