Command Line Application


Parse comand line arguemnts for defining input and output of command line utility.

Parse seqeunce of JSON formated activities.

usage: [-h] [-a] [-g] [-i] [-c] [-l] [-j] [-o] [-p] [-s] [-t] [-r]
                [-u] [-v] [-x] [-z PUB] [-k KEYPATH]
Positional arguments:
file_name Input file name (optional).
-a=False, --status=False
 Version, status, etc.
-g=False, --geo=False
 Include geo fields
-i=False, --influence=False
 Show user’s influence metrics (Twitter only)
-c=False, --csv=False
 Comma-delimited output (, default is | without quotes)
-l=False, --lang=False
 Include language fields
-j=False, --geojson=False
 Output is geojson format (Foursquare and Twitter only) Caution: dataset must fit in memory.
-o=False, --origin=False
 Include source/origin fields
-p=False, --pretty=False
 Pretty JSON output of full records
-s=False, --urls=False
 Include urls fields
-t=False, --structure=False
 Include thread linking fields
-r=False, --rules=False
 Include rules fields
-u=False, --user=False
 Include user fields
-v=False, --version=False
 Show version number
-x=False, --explain=False
 Show field names in output for sample input records
-z=twitter, --publisher=twitter
 Publisher (default is twitter), twitter, newsgator, disqus, wordpress, wpcomments, tumblr, foursquare, getglue, stocktwits, stocktwits-native
-k, --keypath returns a value from a path of the form ‘key:value’

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